Friday, November 20, 2009

What are three ways a bacteria can take on new traits that it didn't use to have, aside from mutation?

Oiy... its been a few years since microbiology class. I'm not sure if these are the specific ones that your homework question is asking for, but are the most common topics in molecular work in molecular botanical sciences

uptake of plasmid DNA either through conjugation (as in the case of e-coli)

horizontal transfer (external DNA uptaken through the environment which is the concern with using GMO or through close proximatey of its host such as with agrobacterium)

transformation of chemically or electrically competant cells (as in the case of cloning reactions using bactia)


What are three ways a bacteria can take on new traits that it didn't use to have, aside from mutation?
Artificial splicing is the only other way I know of.
Reply:transformation, cell takes up surrounding dna

transduction, viruses transfer dna between bacteria

and conjugation, cells connect through flagellum


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