Monday, November 16, 2009

The importance of identifying unknown bacteria?

Knowing how a bacteria works and how it is structured means knowing how it can affect humans. For example, if a bacteria can make a person ill, but it has something called a beta-lactam ring in its cell wall, that is good to know because a drug that works on the beta-lactam ring is able to kill the bacteria.

Unknown bacteria may also have clinical uses. Many pharmaceutical drugs are based on products made by organisms. Penicillins (which may work in the above-described scenario) is actually isolated from a fungus. Digitalis and digoxin, cardiac drugs, come from the foxglove plant. It is very possible that this unidentified bacteria may have something it produces that would lead to a medical breakthrough.

The importance of identifying unknown bacteria?
its important
Reply:The importance of identifying unknown bacteria is very important for one reason, bacteria does not stay in the same form, it's mutating all the time. I believe, if doctors need to treat some bacteria with antibiotics, they need to identify first, what type of bacteria they dealing with.

Katherine K 10 years old.

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