The good friendly bacteria, or probiotics, promote the body's natural immunity, keep us healthy and help our digestion. They are very necessary and may keep the bad bacteria level lower. There are many types of good bacteria in our body that we need--acidophilus is one that you may have heard of.
Inside each of us live vast numbers of beneficial bacteria which we need to have to stay in good health. Our gastrointestinal tract is home to more than 400 different species of bacteria weighing one and a half kilograms. This is a large quantity of working bacteria which perform very important functions in our body - from the mouth all the way down to the rectum. We live in harmony with them and they provide us with an excellent service if they are given a reasonable diet and kept in good health.
These hard working bacteria keep us healthy by
-increasing the absorption of minerals and vitamins and -improving digestion, especially of milk products (lactose intolerance). Our food or vitamins are only useful if they are properly absorbed and digested.
-improving our immune system by producing antimicrobial substances that deter various bad bacteria. This is important because many debilitating and degenerative diseases begin in the intestinal tract.
-increasing absorption of calcium. Important in the prevention of osteoporosis.
-producing B vitamins.
-supporting healthy liver function.
-normalising bowel elimination problems and promoting regularity.
-preventing intestinal tract infections like Candida and Helicobacter Pylori (present in stomach ulcer condition)
-alleviating bowel wind, bloating and belching.
-assisting in cholesterol management.
-protecting us against harmful bacteria, fungi and viruses.
Here is another article that you may find helpful/interesting:
I want to know about bacteria which are useful and how and also which are harmful and how?
Some bacteria in stomach help digestion. They are helpful bacteria. Some bacteria eat up harmful bacteria, they too are useful.
All other bacteria which cause fever and illness are not good..any way.
Reply:Most of the bacteria in the environment are useful ones. For example, u have intestinal bacteria E coli. In Cattle intestinal bacteria are responsible for digestion of cellulose, which is present in grass. With out the bacteria these animals would not digest the grass. In our skin we have many bacteria which are harmless, and they prevent the harmful ones to become dominat organisms and thus help us.
There are also cyanobacteria in ocean which utilise CO2 for photosynthesis jus like plants and provide oxygen. The bacterial population in our septic tank decomposes the waste and converts it to less toxic forms. Bacteria also decomposes dead organisms and returns the organic matter in our body to various cycles like carbon cylcle, nitrogen cycle etc. Without bacteria milk wont become curd, the idly and dosa flour wont become sour, and many more.
Bacteria are the major organisms in which the biotechnological experiments are conducted or carried out. They have also become factories that produce various enzymes for inductrial application.
All this are not even the tip of an iceberg... if you are really interested there are numerous sites which gives more insight on the useful bacteria.
There are also many bacteria which produces toxins in our body and bring disease conditions. Some of them are pseudomonas, salmonella, plasmodium and many more....
Reply:there are good bacteria, lactobacilluc adicophilis, bifidobacterium bifidum, bifidobacterium longum, streptococcus thermophillus, ect.
neutral bacteria(bacteria that doesn't do anyting to you
bad bacteria, (of course the ones that get you sick and give you things like intestinall inflammitory diseases/leaky gut)
(candida yeast is another bad bacteria helper and would be a big part of of the problem as well along with having wrong intestinal PH)
stress, processed foods, drugs, birth control pills, external toxins(from pesticides, chlorine, flouride, metals, house hold cleaners, ect), internal toxins(like pesticides from foods, preserviatives, artificial flavors, aspertame), allergen foods like wheat, corn, and dairy feed bad bacteria and yeast and can overtake the good bacteria. Theres only so much room for gut/intestinal flora in your body, so when yeast and harmfull bacteria that secreat toxins fill up your intestines, theres little room for your good bacteria.
-you ust get rid of bad bacteria and yeast by starving them out
and taking things like garlic and Apple Cider vinegar. Then introducing good bacteria as well as feeding them
as we get older we tend to loose our good bacteria also
A piece from this website(
consume foods that contain inulin(such as chicory, garlic, and leek,) and FOS in order to keep any probiotics colonies health in the first place. Also, for intestinal flora to thrive they need a proper pH, which is why many probiotics products include alkalizing agents
Reply:Many of us automatically think "bad" when we think "bacteria." After all, some bacteria can cause infections. But that notion may not always be true for your digestive tract, which contains a vast number of bacteria and has evolved to use "good" bacteria for several of its important functions.
Your digestive tract is host to about 400 different kinds of bacteria and yeasts. Among these, Lactobacillus acidophilus and other members of the Lactobacillus family are especially important to your health. Acidophilus is considered a "probiotic" bacteria because it helps to maintain intestinal health, and serves as a natural Antibiotic against potentially harmful organisms. Taking acidophilus as a Nutritional supplement will help maintain the normal balance of beneficial bacteria in the intestines and vagina.
Yet despite scientific evidence of the benefits of Probiotics and their successful medicinal use elsewhere in the world, acceptance among conventional North American physicians has come slowly. A 2002 article in the journal Microbes and Infection, for instance, notes that our concern for "clean" has not only spawned multiple brands of antibacterial soaps and detergents, but may also explain a lack of widespread appreciation that bacteria can be good for health.
An excellent food source of acidophilus is yogurt, long valued for its therapeutic and nutritional benefits. However, there are wide variations in the quantities of acidophilus found in yogurt, and some brands contain none at all, making it difficult to get reliable amounts.
To ensure quality, some commercial manufacturers add the active cultures after pasteurization, a heating process that can destroy both unwanted and beneficial organisms. Many brands will specify that their brands contain "live" or "active" cultures and list the specific names of the healthy bacteria found in their yogurt.
Acidophilus supplements are an effective alternative. These are sold in health-food stores, often in combination with Bifidobacteria, another group of organisms that function as probiotics. Many probiotic supplements are frequently combined with FOS (fructo-oligosaccharides), simple carbohydrates that stimulate the growth of healthy bacteria as they make their way through the digestive tract. FOS is actually a type of "prebiotic," indigestible food ingredients that stimulate the growth of probiotic bacteria already in the colon. Both probiotics and prebiotics can change the composition of intestinal bacteria in beneficial ways.
Health Benefits - Many people take acidophilus to treat and prevent digestive disorders, vaginal infections, and other illnesses. As it boosts benign and suppresses destructive bacteria, acidophilus allows the body to maintain a healthy bacterial balance. Acidophilus is often recommended as a safeguard during antibiotic therapy, which can suppress beneficial bacteria and trigger the growth of yeast infections.
Acidophilus may offer general health protection, as well. Several studies suggest that it functions as an immunity enhancer, and may suppress the toxic effects of carcinogens (cancer-causing agents).
Reply:every one has told wat i had to tell ..u got it man ..
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