Monday, November 16, 2009

Applications of iron and sulpher bacteria?

now a days how it used in environment?

Applications of iron and sulpher bacteria?
In the environment, sulphate-reducing bacteria reduce sulphate (SO4 2+) to sulphide (S 2-), using that as an oxidising process to provide energy. Typically, hydrogen sulphide (H2S) is released

Sulphur is not converted into any organic compounds in the bacteria, and they normally exist in low-oxygen envirnments (like swamps and intestines), where they break down cellulose-rich compounds.
Reply:I'm not really sure...

But some iron or sulphur bacteria are used to degrade some chemical waste that contain high Fe or S. Their ability to use Fe or S as the source of energy is the main feature that used in some bioremediation.

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