Saturday, April 24, 2010

Can parasites and other waterborne bacteria in home aquariums be harmful to humans?

I've heard that there is a risk of being infected with ailments from maintaining a home aquarium.

Can parasites and other waterborne bacteria in home aquariums be harmful to humans?
I'll bet the "maybe" answer was helpful.

Yes, aquariums do foster organisms that can be harmful to humans. It's not a problem with just having an aquarium in the house. If it's kept clean, the fish maintained healthy, the aquarium should offer the household no problem.

Here is where the hazard is. After any cleaning or maintainence of the aquarium, be sure to wash your hand thoroughly. Don't take any shortcuts on this. You shouldn't have to worry about right after feeding the fish. (but I wash my hand anyway!) Any other work done on the aquarium, its components or the tools, be sure to wash up.

It's that simple. No danger as long as you wash you hand after handling the equipment or the fish. Same is true for any pet.


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